One Million

I began this blog on the 14th of September 2009 primarily to keep my far-flung family apprised of my activities. The power of Google slowly started directing strangers to my blog from all corners of the globe and then one day, an email notified me that someone in distant England had commented on one of my posts. Visitor hits grew steadily and readers started signing up to follow my blog!

At the outset, I had no idea whether I could sustain the intended weekly posts, nor did I have any expectations of reaching an astronomic number of visitor hits. When I logged in this morning, my visitor counter had clicked just over one million hits which gave me cause to reflect on the past seven and a half years of blogging.

I don’t always succeed, but I attempt to keep my writing succinct and to the point. For instance, to a recent reader’s comment, I replied, “I keep fingers in several pies and consider myself more of a resourceful problem-solver than cabinetmaker and much of the time, I’m more enthused by the destination than the journey.”

I could have added: ‘My memory is in such a state of deterioration that now, after a period of only a few weeks, I usually forget the entire cabinetmaking process and when I sight one of my items of furniture, I merely recall the original antique (that inspired it). Thus I have the opulence of walking round the place under the delusion that I have acquired all this heart-fluttering seventeenth- and eighteenth-century furniture.’

Even though I’m a little embarrassed by them, I do appreciate readers’ commendations; however I can take little credit for any apparent capabilities. Unlike a doctor or lawyer, I have not applied myself to lengthy academia on the subject – I simply inherited ‘good hands’. My father has hands like feet (sorry!), but my mother was exceptionally talented in many artistic and crafty disciplines. Her father was also highly gifted and her grandfather was invited to exhibit at the RHA on three separate occasions.

I am grateful to those readers who raise their heads above the parapet to comment on my posts. Though I seldom publish them, I also get many a laugh from trolls’ contributions (particularly when irony eludes them).

The furniture itself continues to mellow through daily use and biannual waxing. Accommodating all the (predominantly case) furniture is an ongoing headache. The four chests I made for the ill-fated book, though lovely, cause me great consternation (I will likely abnegate a few of them, so if you are at all interested in owning one of the chests, feel free to email me).

In conclusion, I enjoy writing the blog. It has renewed old friendships, acquainted me with new friends and the furniture making has helped keep me active.

Two million hits? I doubt it. And to be prepared, I’m making a start on my coffin once the serpentine chest is finished.

Jack Plane

About Jack Plane

Formerly from the UK, Jack is a retired antiques dealer and self-taught woodworker, now living in Australia.
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17 Responses to One Million

  1. hcockwill says:

    Thoroughly enjoy the blog – just wondering whether there is a genuine Georgian coffin somewhere above ground with magnificent fittings ! :-) – never seen one illustrated in Hayward or similar !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It should be no surprise Jack. You keep a wonderful blog.
    All strength to your arm!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. voncarlos says:

    I love wood, I love your blog and yes, you are good.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. diceloader says:

    Congrats. Always a good read. I’m still disappointed about the book as no doubt you are.


  5. Ron says:

    Your blog is always interesting I’m not surprised you have so many viewers!


  6. Berniesr says:

    A great blog which I enjoy. More power to you a million more and I learnt a new word today abnegate :-)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. carter choate says:

    Do abnegate mean donate?


  8. paul6000000 says:

    Thank you for continuing to add to this blog over the years, especially considering the very rough roads you seem to have been traveling.

    I’m surprised by the number of Google searches that lead straight back to P&Ts. Dovetails and drawer construction, scratch stock, warded locks, veneer pins, baise, everything’s covered….and with considerable historical context.

    I don’t know anything the legal hassles and expense involved in publishing but I hope that some day you’ll consider offering the blog archive for purchase.


    • Jack Plane says:

      With the loss of The Book, I have given some thought to publishing selected blog posts in book format.

      It would require significant editing, including the incorporation of any pertinent information arising from readers’ comments. That in itself isn’t a huge hurdle – I would just have to find the time. I say “just”…

      The greatest issue I foresee is obtaining permission to publish the images that aren’t mine. Where possible, I have assigned ownership to imported images and it is likely that I could gain permission to incorporate them in a book. However, I have also made use of images whose origins I have no record of. Posting images on a non-profit blog is one thing, but publishing them in a book for profit could lead to all manner of ills.

      I’m still ruminating.



  9. I am incredibly impressed by your achievements in making, writing, knowledge and making the best out of life. A true inspiration!


  10. Tico Vogt says:

    You’re one of the good ones. Thanks for the knowledge and humor.


  11. Jeremy says:

    I am frankly amazed you have only 1 million views, the quality of your research, photo documentation, and explanation (all spiced with levity) are huge tools for those of us in antique furniture deserts.


  12. Paul Murphy says:

    I found you through the SAPFM Forum. I’m very glad I did. Most woodworking literature (of any kind) fails to inform. For the most part, I find them to be lollipops, good for sweetness but short on substance. Your blog is the exception. I’ve learned a great deal. Thank you.


  13. premodernbloke says:

    I love this blog. No hipster artisnal image-crafting…..just the real deal… they say.


  14. CocktailsAt7 says:

    Yours is my favorite blog. I love the beautiful pieces you create, and when I need to see something beautiful or escape a boring situation, this is the first place I turn. I’m an American girl in Kentucky, and I love eighteenth century antiques. I have learned so much from seeing you re-create these pieces step by step, and reading the explanations in your witty and entertaining writing style. Thank you for this wonderful and rare spot of intelligence, civility, wit, and beauty on the web.

    Liked by 1 person

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