Harewood or Rabbit Wood?

Happy Easter to one and all.

Jack Plane

About Jack Plane

Formerly from the UK, Jack is a retired antiques dealer and self-taught woodworker, now living in Australia.
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7 Responses to Harewood or Rabbit Wood?

  1. JoeM says:

    Happy Easter to you also Jack. Hope all is well “over there”


  2. gedg says:

    Wonderful picture, thank you Jack. I’d love to use my badger plane on it !


  3. TobyC says:

    Had a chuckle at that one, Happy Easter my friend.


  4. Ken says:

    What do you call a long line of long eared mammals slowly hopping backward?

    A) A receding hareline


    • Mary Brigid Mackey says:

      This is a photo taken by me on the Avenue to Marlfield House, Clonmel County Tipperary. You flipped it.


      • Jack Plane says:

        Duly noted, although TinEye states the image first appeared on the internet on May 21, 2021, and is credited to someone other than yourself.

        The orientation is as it was sent to me.



  5. Pingback: Harewood or Rabbit Wood? — Pegs and ‘Tails – Ninnys Nest

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