Picture This CII

This ash comb-back Windsor chair (fig. 1) is unusual in several respects, not least of which is the circular seat (fig. 2) which is of ash rather than the more traditional elm. Also, the bent arm is exceptionally broad.

geo_iii_ash__elm_comb_back_windsor_c1760_02bFig. 1. Ash comb-back Windsor, circa 1760. (Obsolete)

geo_iii_ash__elm_comb_back_windsor_c1760_02eFig. 2. Unusually broad sweeping arm and circular seat of solid ash. (Obsolete)

The crest rail, with its shaped lower edge is, in my experience, unique at this date (figs. 1, 2 & 3).

The back is supported by bracing sticks (fig. 3) emanating from a bob-tail on the back of the seat, similar to those on the Claremont chairs I made four years ago.

geo_iii_ash__elm_comb_back_windsor_c1760_02fFig. 3. Bob-tail and bracing sticks. (Obsolete)

The Goldsmith decoration on the front legs is common to many regional Windsors (fig. 4)

geo_iii_ash__elm_comb_back_windsor_c1760_02kFig. 4. Goldsmith-esque front leg turnings. (Obsolete)

The chair was painted earlier in its life – if not from new – as can be witnessed by the woodworm tracks at the surface of the wood as they bored their way along beneath the paint searching for an exit through which to fly away as mature beetles.

Jack Plane

About Jack Plane

Formerly from the UK, Jack is a retired antiques dealer and self-taught woodworker, now living in Australia.
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3 Responses to Picture This CII

  1. Looks like the Ash bottom has stood up to time passing fairly well.
    I wonder also if the arm might once have been slightly more tightly curved? Probably not.


  2. tim caveny says:

    Are the curved supports for the extremities of the arm screwed to the arm, or is there some clever joinery at work?


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